How to set up time machine on mac for backup
How to set up time machine on mac for backup

The “older” version works as a preference panel in System Preferences, allowing you to change the backup interval from the default of every hour up to once every 12 hours in hourly increments. If you’re running an older Mac with an equally old version of Mac OS X, this is a good solution for you. There are currently two different versions available on Klieme’s web page: a beta version that works with macOS Sierra and High Sierra, and another version for earlier versions of macOS and OS X.

How to set up time machine on mac for backup mac os x#

The app is written and maintained by developer Stefan Klieme and works on every version of Mac OS X and macOS that includes Time Machine. There used to be a way to change the Time Machine backup schedule with a Terminal command, but that method no longer works with recent versions of macOS.įirst, we’ll demonstrate a utility named TimeMachineScheduler. In this post, we’ll demonstrate two utilities that can be used to adjust Time Machine’s backup schedule.

how to set up time machine on mac for backup

Time Machine runs hourly by default, and that can be problematic as it can monopolize disk I/O and CPU cycles, slowing power-hungry tasks like video rendering. It’s easy to use, and it makes recovering from a drive failure or a macOS update gone awry as simple as restarting your Mac in macOS Recovery Mode and selecting “Restore from Time Machine Backup”.

how to set up time machine on mac for backup

Time Machine is the built-in application in macOS that automates the process of backing up your data to an external drive.

How to set up time machine on mac for backup