Truth about anchorfree inc
Truth about anchorfree inc

truth about anchorfree inc

Every time it goes up the increase in photosynthesis from 16,232,897,072 trees planted since May 2018 pulls it down. The graph shows an increase in photosynthesis. It normally decreases from June through October. Atmospheric carbon dioxide increases 1.5 ppm per month during the timeframe November through May.These are now the 5th paragraph in the executive summary. The IPCC Ignores Key Data, ( ) that shows how the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ignore key data, resulting in simulations that are invalid.

truth about anchorfree inc

  • In 2018, we encouraged the Indian government to stop its Indian Rainforest deforestation.
  • May 2018, one of our scientists, David White, contacted the USA embassies in South America, India, and China.
  • Essential_Role_of_Photosynthesis_in_Defining_Net_Zero_Carbon_Dioxide NetZeroCO2e=8.6 gt/yr! Comments from peer review.
  • Joni Mitchell in 1970 sang, “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” (Big Yellow Taxi) Indeed, we have deforested paradise so much that we have had a 97% reduction in photosynthesis consumption.
  • Watch the video, Ocean Stupidification Ocean acidity is no different than it has ever been!.
  • Solar panels dont work at night or with snow on them.

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    How to ruin an electrical grid in 3 easy steps.I am now going to tell you how renewables are unreliable. On June 12, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld the Federal Election Commission's legal definitions and policies regarding the disclosure of certain information by the nonprofit The Real Truth About Abortion (RTAA) formerly known as The Real Truth About Obama, Inc.

    Truth about anchorfree inc